Tuesday 12 August 2014

Week one of forty nine

I was 49 three weeks ago today, which means that I will be fifty in 49 weeks, which means it is time to do something.


I decided I was going to be fifty, fit and fabulous, in no particular order.


The first thing to do was kicking off the booze; I was drinking a bottle of sparkling wine a night, and after loosing a stone between Christmas and the 10th April, 100 days without drinking, I am very near to having gained it all again.


The thing is, it was not difficult... getting in the mindset that allowed me to do that was the killer, being chronic depressed and able to talk myself into any black hole around, starting any transformational process is not easy, mostly because I tell myself that I have done it before and still end up unfit, fat and depressed. I AM DOING IT ALREADY!!!




So goals for my fiftieth year:


  • Be fit - joined the new local gym and have already been every day since Sunday.
  • Learn something new - we enjoyed mucking about the tennis court when on holiday in Portugal so Peter and I decided to take it further, he used to be a regular player and had coaching in secondary school but I can count on one hand the times I have played it. So we joined the local tennis club, which a lot of our friends already belong too, it is really lovely with a great atmosphere. We had our first session with the coach on Saturday and our enrolment usernames and passwords arrived today
  • Loose at least 26lbs, hopefully by Christmas, but that will depend on how my metabolism adjusts, to how healthy I am with my diet and how much I exercise.
  • Finish all my exams before the end of the year, or at the most, before I am fifty, it's getting to be a drag and it seems that my life is on hold, still have to sort my PER and that needs to be done this month.
  • Plan
    • Days
    • Weeks
    • Months
    • Family
    • Work
    • Leisure